- Coupons
- The ability to capture all the wonderful moments that are continuously happening on camera and print them off
- Music - Growing up I only ever listened to Christian music and I'm so thankful that that was the way it was, because whenever I'm feeling "down" or need my spirits lifted, I just put in a CD, and seeing as the only CDs I own are Christian, within minutes, my heart is soaring
- Beautiful, Sunny days like today
- Women like Sally Clarkson and Elizabeth George who write encouraging books specifically for women (if I have a few moments, then I have gotten into a habit of grabbing a book that is encouraging in relation to my walk with God and my roles as woman, wife, mother, and homemaker.
- Blankets to keep my Little One warm :)
- Two new, warm coats (that fit nicely) that I didn't pay a penny for since my Mom had them sitting in her closet (she's such a nice Mom!)
- The fact that I need to go because my hubby has the day off! :)
I will hopefully get pictures up over the next few days. Our house guest is leaving tomorrow night.... :( :( :( We will surely miss him. He's become Andrew's "buddy" and it has been nice to have company while Scott's at work, not to mention all the fun the three of us (Scott, Jacob and I) have had playing Frisbee Golf and Wakeboarding on the Wii, but we wouldn't keep him from all the signings he has over the next month.
I love reading your Thankful Posts!Love, Mom
Awe, Thanks Mom!!!! :)
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